Tuesday, February 18, 2014


A word that means ,to aid someone ,or something.


Help is a good thing right?

Not always...............

It just depends on your location and or your sight

Because  help is also

    hurt and harm

For instance ....... think about this person with a broken arm

The person gets the necessary help to heal

But you never thought about what karma helped him feel

When it's finished the person used the arm to steal

just pay the bill

Now the victim needs help.......

She wants to kill her self

But help never came.....


Now the new karma's cards are delt

And the pain, and harm is felt

So ...

Now who is the winner?



I'm sorry in another voice

The moral ; is some things happen for a good reason

Everyone and or everything; isn't qualified to decide, who needs to be treated


From the Chapter of Words

By: Chuck Hampton