I will end you. ( over judgement, and hatred )
I will end you. ( a mind that is drunk,and or vacant )
I will end you. ( a day,a week,or a year that is wasted )
I will end you. ( a full drink , poured out over a non worthy doubt )
I will end you. ( a spoiled piece of meat , chewed , swallowed , digested ; and accepted )
I will end you. ( a righteous bad feeling , that is let go )
I will end you. ( an under and or over reaction, to a good or bad thing; or a friend,or foe )
I will end you. ( waking up to a dry dream )
I will end you. ( walking on glass , and the stealing of the peace )
I will end you, ( looking at the sky , and not keeping my eye on
the prize )
I Will End You